If you’re looking to create a Texas Holdem Tournament or Blackjack Tournament, you should know that Smash has created some of the finest tournaments around for numerous Fortune 500 companies & non-profit organizations.
Smash knows that the equipment and the dealers set the tone at your event. We carry deluxe custom-made Las Vegas tables equipped with soft leather bumpers, solid wood inlays, and brass cup holders. All of our regulation-sized equipment is kept in pristine condition. We can even make sure you have customized felts with your logo or a sponsor’s logo along with custom chips! The dealers, casino managers, and tournament directors on staff are licensed, seasoned professionals who are trained to work at private events. Our dealers are the best of the best–smart, fun, and knowledgeable!
Because a fundraiser would run differently than a private event, our experienced tournament directors help you determine the right way to run your specific tournament. Setting the limits, timing the game, and allowing rebuys all insure a profitable and smooth event. Instruction an hour before the tournament lets experienced guests brush up on their skills and helps beginners feel more comfortable about getting in on the action.
Space issues? Night at the Races, also known as Video Horse Racing, is an ideal option—ask us about it!
Texas Hold’em
Let it Ride
Caribbean Stud
Custom Felts & Chips
6-Foot Digital Las Vegas Sign
Slot Machines
and many more…